April Updates
Shalom L’Kulam (everyone),
What an exciting time it is, here at the Ramah Boston office! Things are moving quickly as we gear up for camp to open. Our Mishlachat (Israeli delegation) has grown to three amazing people – and they all spent last week training at Shefayim, with Shlichim from all the Ramah camps.
Just yesterday, our Hanhallah (senior staff) gathered at our Norwood office to put the finishing touches on our summer. We painted welcome signs; we planned staff week programs; we reviewed emergency procedures; and we picked out fun swag for campers! And if you follow our social media (facebook & instagram), you already know that Gann Academy has been busy getting ready for our arrival.
Enrolled families received an email on Friday from Rutie, our registrar, with information about forms (all due on May 1st), transportation & busing, and the app that we are going to use for daily communication this summer. More info is also below.
Lastly, as we’re getting excited for camp (who am I kidding? when have I not been excited for camp??), maybe you and your family need a little extra Ramah joy? Check out our swag store, open until April 30th. You can customize anything with the Ramah Boston logo. I can’t wait to see what you pick!
The countdown is on! Kayitz 2023 is just 63 days away – we can’t wait to spend the summer with you.
Rabbi Rachel Silverman (she/her)
Director, Ramah Day Camp of Greater Boston