Lunch & Snacks
Ramah Boston is a kosher and nut-free camp. We provide lunch and two healthy, kosher snacks for our campers every day. Our lunches are cooked and prepared by the team at Gann Academy’s Food & Dining Services. Our snacks are healthy and varied and include fresh fruit and vegetables that will keep your children nourished and satisfied all day long. We ask that campers pack a refillable water bottle each day. Water refill stations are scattered throughout camp and refilled regularly.
If campers choose to bring their own lunches, please be sure to pack either a dairy or parve lunch; no meat, please. We also ask that parents refrain from sending their children with peanut or tree-nut products in order to ensure a safe eating environment for all campers. Please contact us if you have any questions about nut-safe food.
We are aware that many children come to camp with food allergies. Our staff will work closely with you to ensure appropriate accommodations and a safe eating environment.