Arts & More!

Creative Arts
Our omanut (art) specialists bring a rich background in Jewish and secular art. In addition to making classic Judaic art like clay hamsas and mezuzot, our campers also learn to replicate the pop art style of Andy Warhol, for example, adding in their own personal or Jewish flair. Here are some highlights from our omanut department:
- Jewelry-making
- Clay sculpture
- Candle-making
- Mosaics
- Melted Beads
- Water-color painting
- Weaving, Sewing and Needlepoint
- Wood burning
- Glass Painting
- Wax Sculpting
Performing Arts
Singing and dancing are a part of Ramah culture. Our day begins with Israeli dancing on our beautiful migrash (field), and our Rosh Shira (music specialist) teaches Hebrew music and Ramah classics to each of our edot (divisions) throughout the day.
Campers with particular interest in performing arts can elect to take a drama, rikud (dance), and/or music bechirah (elective) in the afternoon as well.

Bishul (Cooking)
One of our most popular electives is bishul (cooking). Campers learn about healthy, safe, and kosher cooking by rolling up their sleeves in the kitchen. Our campers learn proper cutting technique by making salads, and moving proportions by baking chocolaty treats. Taste tests are always part of the process!